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Is Vitamin E Good for Skin?
May 15 , 2021

Vitamin E is a naturally occurring component of healthy skin. It offers significant antioxidant properties to help defend from pollution and other environmental stressors that would otherwise weaken skin, causing unwanted changes.

Certain forms of vitamin E also help soothe skin. Unfortunately, with time and sun damage, skin’s vitamin E decreases, depleting our natural ability to fight the signs of aging.

Vitamin E is also extremely moisturizing.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble ingredient, meaning it’s able to penetrate deep into your skin and preserve the lipids (fats) in your face, says Dr. Linker, while soothing and healing your skin barrier.

So if you have any cracks in your skin barrier (due to irritation, inflammation, overuse of acids or retinols), vitamin E basically closes those cracks to prevent moisture from escaping, keeping your skin hydrated and firm.  Try a Vitamin E cream for face if your skin is extra dry or opt for a Vitamin E serum or Vitamin E toner if you want something a little lighter.

Top-Rated Vitamin E Products

Basically, vitamin E is the ultimate skincare ingredient that dreams are made of—it's moisturizing, it protects you from the enemy (free radicals), and it's full of anti aging benefits. What more could you ask for?

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